Align Your Dreams Through Gratitude

When life gets challenging, it can be difficult to feel grateful.  When we are in survival mode we automatically revert to meeting our basic needs, which are found in our lower chakras (i.e. root chakra). The feeling of gratitude comes from our heart chakra so it is...

Who is part of your TRIBE?

Whether it’s the family you are born into, friends you make along the way or individuals you have aligned yourself with in business, we all have and need a TRIBE. Take a moment and assess, who is in your tribe?  Where do you feel like you belong?  Who are your...

The ROOT Chakra and the 4S’s of life!

When you build a house, you start with the foundation.  A stable foundation is key for stable floors, windows, roofs, etc.  It enables the house to sustain storms, windy days and heavy snow.  Without a strong foundation, you find cracks and eventually, things start...